Living Roadmap
last updated: 16. May 2024
Primary Objective:
Provide Safe and Simple Access to Crypto and DeFi for Everyone.
How we are going to achieve this:
As outlined in our litepaper, Unstoppable is built on the foundation of our three pillars:
1. Unstoppable:DEX
Providing the infrastructure for our users to securely invest, trade & earn.
Estimated launch date: launched 🚀
Progress to public launch: 100%
Latest Update:
  • Any-to-any token & aggregator quotes live on Arbitrum Mainnet
  • Margin DEX live on Arbitrum Mainnet
Next Steps:
  • Complete Additional Audit
    In Progress
  • Onboard new tokens & markets
    In Progress
  • Mobile App Integration
    In Progress
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2. Unstoppable:Bridge
Seamlessly integrate crypto & the real world. Newcomers can on-ramp in seconds, everyone can use & spend crypto in their daily lives.
Estimated launch date: Q3'24
Progress to public launch: 50%
Latest Update:
  • Incorporation of legal Entity in Lithuania complete
  • VASP license aquired
Next Steps:
  • Receive EU VASP license
  • Establish initial on-/off-ramp functionality
    In Progress
  • Integrate banking partner that provides user accounts, IBANs, Debit Cards
    In Progress
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3. Unstoppable:Wallet
A simple to use yet highly secure mobile app encapsulating the above functionality with great UX so anybody can use it.
Estimated launch date: Q2/Q3'24
Progress to public launch: 70%
Latest Update:
  • v2 Smart Contract Wallet development
  • onboarded new smart contract dev to prepare contracts for audit
Next Steps:
  • New design
    In Progress
  • Direct ApplePay/GooglePay on-ramp integration
    In Progress
  • Audit v2 Smart Contract Wallet
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As soon as Margin DEX and especially Mobile Trading App are fully launched, the primary objective internally will switch from building mode to focusing on business development and user adoption. Product development will of course not stop either but continue to implement new features and iterate based on user feedback.
Latest Update:
  • New Branding
  • Public docs revamp
Next Steps:
  • New Interactive Roadmap
  • Launch new website
  • UND staking
    Blocked by: Revenue
  • BD
    In Progress
    • Adoption Campaigns
      In Progress
    • Trading Competitions
      In Progress
    • Referal Campaign
      In Progress
    • Potential Partnership Outreach
      In Progress
Disclaimer: The provided percentages and dates are approximate estimates and are subject to change based on prevailing circumstances.